Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Motorcycle romance

The decision to purchase a motorcycle is always one which is very personal, passionate, bordering sometimes on the irrational. I am no exception to this rule and after much research and a little prodding by my wife, I finally settled on a bike which I knew in my heart that I had already decided upon..A Bullet.
I purchased, what is probably the last piece in Bangalore, a bullet Machismo 500 AVL on the 18th March, 2010. Though I had a very small waiting period (By RE standards) of 15 days, the wait was, to the least very agonizing. The bike began to occupy my thoughts in every living and conscious moment bordering on jealousy from my wife! I started to research in dept about bullets and was in trepidation on the eve of my delivery. After a sleepless night, I finally went to the Brand store showroom in Jayanagar. The helpful folks had already kept all documents in place and the bike was delivered without much ado.
I took the chrome monster to my home and though the friendship between us was yet to blossom, we were already like a new couple, touching and holding hands.
The first time I took my Bike on my highway, I was adorned with a pair of jeans, a nice white cotton T-shirt, a Cross Helmet (which I purchased on lalbagh Road)and lots of excitement. To say the very least it was pure, unadulterated, Pleasure:-)
The bike kept on asking me, pushing me, daring me to go fast. It is really very difficult to ride it under 50KMPH as prescribed for the run-in by the company.
However I let good sense prevail and was well within my prescribed speed limit for the entire journey.
I started off from my house in Vijayanagar onto Mysore road early in the morning by around 6:30AM on a sunday morning. The cool weather, smell of fresh leaves and flowers, the beautiful view of the early morning sun from the Bangalore University Campus all added to the already simmering romanticism.
I completed 100 Kms on a single day and was still wanting to go more.

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